The Scripture...

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again…” -2 Corinthians 5:14

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sharing the Goodness!

It has been a good two weeks since my last post, but I can't keep the goodness to myself, so I wanted to share it with you today. So many things have been ministering to me and encouraging me...

Goodness #1: Books
Ten Dumbs Things Smart Christians Believe-- Larry Osbourne, a pastor in Northern California, highlights ten dumb things or "spiritual urban legends" that Christians have falsely convinced themselves to believe, i.e. "Dumb Idea #1: Faith Can Fix Anything," "Dumb Idea # 6: Everything Happens for a Reason," "Dumb Idea #9: A Valley Means a Wrong Turn." After reading the book, I was convicted as I recalled several things that I have said or done in the past that really didn't reflect a proper understanding of Scripture. Sometimes, I fail to question common belief within the Christian community and accept certain spiritual advice that is actually more harmful than helpful. May this book help you to understand what is true and right as you reach out to believers and unbelievers.

Heaven is for Real--Todd Burpo, a father and pastor, tells the incredible story of his son's encounter with the Lord during an emergency appendectomy. His son, Colton, had an out of body experience and traveled to heaven for several minutes. I was profoundly encouraged by this book because it confirmed the realities of heaven through a child's eyes. Everything Colton saw and experienced is supported by an examination of Scripture. If you or someone you know (at any age) is concerned about death or confused about heaven, this book is sure to bring you peace and understanding (not to mention hope).

I would also highly recommend Timothy Keller's Prodigal God (a real and complete look at the parable of the Prodigal Son) and Francine Rivers' most recently published series, Marta's Legacy (a fictional work about five generations of mother-daughter relationships that illustrates the beauty and difficulty of reconciliation and the nature of unconditional love).

Goodness #2: Worship Music
Kari Jobe's album, Where I Find You, has been so uplifting these past two weeks. Not only do her songs express authentic and raw prayers, but they claim truth about the Lord's character and His name. My favorite song? Find You on My Knees (click here to listen)

Mosaic's album, Teach Us, was released last fall and it was recommended by a good friend of mine who is the orchestra teacher at BFA. All of the lyrics are taken from Scripture and the music has been creatively arranged by the band. Favorite song? Fear God... this song led me to search for the lyrics in the book of Proverbs. I was so encouraged by the words that I read all 31 chapters of Proverbs and found myself with a much deeper understanding of what it means to fear God. To fear God is to hate fear God is to have fear God is to be fear God is to know hope...he who fears God has a secure fear God is the beginning of wisdom. And wisdom is more precious than silver, gold, or is more fruitful than anything. You can preview this album on iTunes or check out their website here!

Goodness #3: German Luxuries
Part I: The warmth from a fire made in Liel's authentically german cockel stove. With the freezing temperatures, we make a fire in our cockel stove daily. After the fire dies out, the heat remains in the tiled stove and is slowly released into our living room. On a chilly evening as study hours start, there is nothing more satisfying than sitting with my back against the stove and taking a "breather" as the pace of our day winds down.
Part II: I found the best latte macchiato this side of the Rhein river! As many of you know, I love coffee. I have grown especially attached to the Latte Macchiato in Germany, but only recently did I find the german cafe where the best cup is made--the Bio Markt Cafe in Mullheim. There is nothing more wonderful on a cold, wintry day, than a latte macchiato and a visit with a friend.

I call these things "luxuries" because they are just really simple parts of my life here that I love and enjoy. What can I say? I am a simple girl :) If you'd like to experience my luxuries, I would be delighted to make a fire and take you out for coffee...just come on over!

Goodness #4: The Weather
I am not sure if you have heard about the weather and cold spells in Europe, but we finally have snow! This past January and these first few weeks in February have been brutally cold (I am talking like bone-chilling...Grove City/Lake Erie-like my friends living in western Pennsylvania, I think you know what I mean!), but they have also been beautiful! The sun has shined almost every day, which has naturally been part of mother nature's invitation for us "to come out and play."
This past Sunday, we took the girls/dorm brothers on a 20-minute drive "up the hill" to another dorm and went sledding. Some of the highlights? Eseli, who was born and raised in Nigeria, had never played in snow before; though she hates the cold, she LOVED her first sledding experience! Several boys from Sonne (the dorm that we visited) dragged an 8-foot-long sailboard up the sledding hill and fit about 7 people on it (including Liel's dorm dad, Uncle T)... haha, let's just say that it went really fast, flipped several times, and provided a lot of entertainment to the local Germans watching us :) Please enjoy the following pictures from our Sunday afternoon adventure!

Bundled up and on our way!
Me & Talya

The drive "up the hill"

Preparing for the first ride down...
Eseli, Laura, Talya, & Erin on discs

A gorgeous view and a great hill, eh?
Welcome to Marzell, home of the Sonne boy's dorm!
(See the white building in the bottom left corner of photo)

Eseli... in all her glory!

The Great Sailboard!

Happy faces at the end of our sledding adventure...
with Erin, Laura, Eseli, Talya, & Me

The last shot of the day...a little bit awkward, but classic!

Goodness #5: You!
Before wrapping this up, I wanted to share how thankful I am for you! Your prayers, support, and kindness have been such a gift. You have been so good to me! As I continue in this work with young people, I am very often reminded that I couldn't be doing what I am doing without you. You have provided for me in ways that you don't even know... transportation/flights home, Christmas gifts for my family, my cozy bed, health insurance, car insurance, the food on my table, each latte macchiato :), my warm winter jacket, an encouraged heart through your notes/emails/calls, and so much more. Thank you for all the good that you have shared with me!