The Scripture...

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again…” -2 Corinthians 5:14

Monday, December 13, 2010

Holiday Highlights

October: Kate's finished pumpkin... and she is a first-timer!

October: Josh and G.I...
Carving culture into their pumpkins--can you see "KOREA?"

November: Thanksgiving Desserts

December: Ira with her colorful Christmas cookies!

Over the past several entries, I have been introducing our students to you. Today, I wanted to share a few holiday highlights in order to give you a glimpse into what we do with our free time around Liel...
  • October: Celebrating Fall! Though we couldn't take our kids to Brookfield Pumpkins in Maryland (our dorm budget would not have allowed for 14 international plane tickets...haha), we were able to stop at a road side stand and pick out several pumpkins and gourds. Some of our students had never carved pumpkins before, so it was really special to see them get excited about their "art projects." On the night of October 31, we set our our pumpkins and we had several German locals stop by for treats.
  • November: Thanksgiving! While the Germans naturally do not celebrate this holiday, we still wanted to introduce the traditional Thanksgiving to our students, American and Korean. Bob, our dorm dad, wanted to make sure that we also included an ethnic dish to our dinner (as the Indians certainly brought something of their own as they sat at the table with the Pilgrims...right?), so I made Thai Coconut Curry to delight the taste buds of our Korean students :) We celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 21, and sat about 22 people around the table. It was so special! After the meal was complete, we went around the table and asked each person to say something they were thankful for...Bob, Sue, and I were especially encouraged because so many of our students expressed thanks for their dorm staff. We were flattered.
  • December: It's Christmastime! At the end of November, we visited a local farmer in Liel, knocked on his door, sang he and his mother "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and then we proceeded to ask if we could buy one of his Christmas trees :) I must admit that I have never picked out a tree with 14 people, but it didn't take long for us to all be in agreement about the one tree that would be ours. After paying the 25 euros, our boys carried the tree home. The same weekend, we pulled out all of our Christmas decorations and spent a Sunday afternoon decorating the tree, putting up stockings (14 in all), decorating sugar cookies, drinking hot apple cider, and listening to Christmas carols. It was really special and our kids were really excited to be part of it...both the guys and the girls! And then to bring our semester to a close, Sue organized a Christmas party last night (as it was our final weekend together). We enjoyed plenty of yummy foods, played games, and exchanged a few presents (but before you recieved your present, you were required to a sing a song of your choice....roommates and family members sang together....haha, I was left on my own for this one, but asked for the help of the students to sing "I Used to Drive a Little Ford...Now I'm Cruising for the Lord" with me--it was pretty great). Bob, Sue, and I were incredibly suprised to receive two very special gifts from our students. With the help of our weekend dorm subs (Mark and Becky Mindek, who sub for Bob and Sue when they have a weekend off), they made a quilt for Bob and Sue and a large pillow for me. On the quilt and pillow, each student had made a fabric flower and sewed it on to the pillow or quilt by themselves! Each fabric flower was different and each student picked out a fabric that represented them in some way. They were so excited to give us their homemade gifts. I was so touched. It's interesting because as many parents would understand, it is often the case that your work sometimes goes unnoticed. You just keep serving and caring for your children because you love them and because it is your responsibility. So that is what I do too, I keep serving, I keep caring, I keep loving because I love them! I will usually get a 'thank you' for finishing someone's laundry or for making a special snack, but this represented so many thanks, it represented so much appreciation. I feel loved. These children have become my family here. My little brothers and sisters. I love it! Before this entry comes to a close, I need to share one last thing... after our Christmas party was over, I went up to my room and found a beautiful note from one of my girls on my pillow, it read... "Lauren, you are so awesome and I love you tremendously. I will miss you tomorrow [Mondays are my day off]. Today was such an awesome day! I really felt like we were all family. I could have cried I was so happy! Love you."

Last week, I was really missing my family and friends in the States. It was like this wave of homesickness just crashed over me. But you know? God invites our tears and He has this beautiful way of lifting us back up. He lifted me up this weekend and I praise Him for that. My dear friend, Jade, recently sent me a beautiful necklace with three hearts of different sizes. She explained in a note that she hoped God would really enlarge my heart during this new season of life. Her prayers are being answered! My heart is being enlarged! With each passing day, I am growing in love for these girls and boys. With each passing day, I am embracing this work more and more. With eaching passing day, I am learning to trust and obey the God who brought me here not to be homesick, but to be well.

I will be flying home this coming Sunday, Dec. 19, and I am so excited to see my family for the first time in five months. I love the reality that they will be tangible and hugable! But at the same time, I know that will I miss these students and I know that I will be ready to come back to Germany on January 8.

Please pray for our students as they begin taking their final exams and preparing to go home this week. For most of our students, they have never taken final exams and they have never traveled without their parents. So, we ask that you intercede for them... for endurance as they study, for protection as they travel, for rest as they spend time at home.

In the Joy of the Coming Messiah,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Okie girl...

Priscilla--my Okie girl!

During the summers of 2009 and 2008, I had the joy of working with middle school and high school youth at Muskogee Church of Christ in Muskogee, Oklahoma. As I pause to remember that ministry, I can see how God used that experience to enlarge my heart for His children. It was in Oklahoma that He really helped me to understand how investing in youth brought me great joy. Serving at the church certainly opened the door for me to come to Germany and I am so grateful. While it was difficult for me to leave Oklahoma, God reallyblessed me with a piece of Oklahoma through the life of one precious little girl named Priscilla. She is my Okie girl :) Let me tell you about her...
Priscilla was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and has been a student at BFA for the past two and half years. Her parents are missionaries with Jews for Jesus and they have powerful testimonies about how God drew them to Himself and the mission field. They both speak Hebrew and are incredibly passionate about helping Jews see the reality of who Christ was, is, and forever will be. Priscilla's dad spoke at our dorm devotional this past Sunday and explained that Jesus' name in Hebrew is Yeshua, meaning 'salvation.' At the time of Jesus' birth, parents named their children according to who their child was...for Mary and Joseph to name their child Jesus/God/Yeshua would have been considered blasphemy, and yet it was true. This baby Jesus was and is God and He was and is salvation. God became Yeshua in order that we could live! I found this message so insightful as the advent season has begun and as we anticipate the arrival of Christ.
Okay, back to Priscilla...
Priscilla is now in 8th grade and she is the President of the BFA Middle School Student Council. She is extremely disicplined in her studies and she is extremely competitive in her sports. I love seeing her play basketball in the driveway with her dorm brothers--she is super tough and it's easy to see that the guys respect her game. Priscilla also has such an energetic and enthusiastic spirit--it's contagious starts at 7:30 in the morning and ends around 10 at night! Sometimes I have to remind her to watch her 'volume' and it's really funny because she can usually anticipate when I am about to mention this ...she just laughs and gives me that beautiful grin that you see in the photo above. Ah, I love her!
Together, we love to reminisce about our time in Oklahoma--the friends we have there and the places that we've visted. It's so wonderful to connect to Priscilla in this way and to share about the place that means so much to us. We are both planning a visit there over Christmas break...unfortunately, we won't be crossing paths this time.