The Scripture...

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again…” -2 Corinthians 5:14

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Runners! Take your mark... Get set...GO!

The countdown: 3 more weeks of school!

To illustrate the significance of the number 3 , Laura and I thought our pictures this week should be taken with the 30 km speed sign conveniently marked on the street in front of our house. And now that our track season has ended, we also thought it would be neat to show the three positions that a runner takes as he or she prepares for a sprint off the blocks... check out the following three pictures as Laura demonstrates:

Position 1, Taking the mark...

Position 2, Getting set...

Position 3, Taking off!


While there are still three weeks of school left, the BFA Track season has ended, but let me give you a quick update and brag about my girls for just a second :) ...

Last week, Laura, Priscilla, and I traveled to the Frankfurt International School with the BFA track team for the first track meet of the season open to junior high athletes. Laura ran the 1500m race in 6:10 minutes and the 800m race in about 3:05 minutes. Priscilla ran the 100m dash in 14.31 seconds, the 200m dash in about 31.03 seconds, and the 400m dash. I was incredibly impressed by their performances! And for me, it was such a blessing to be able to travel with the team in order that I could coach, encourage, and cheer for these stellar athletes.

Next Spring, I hope to continue coaching and perhaps be a bit more involved if I can. I have found track to be such an intimate sport and I love that fans and coaches can watch and attend to one athlete while he or she competes against others. Team sports are certainly great, but track and field is just so unique. I get goosebumps watching some of our athletes run and truly push themselves to the limit. In one race, a spectator can see an athlete showcase his or her greatest skills and talents, which is not always the case in team sports since individual performance is typically dependent on the team. I have so much respect for these BFA students and I look forward to our next season together.

Priscilla, Lauren, and Laura
Frankfurt, Germany
May 7, 2011

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