Two is a significant number, isn't it? Without two feet, we couldn't walk. Without two eyes, we couldn't see. Without two hands, we couldn't reach for or hold anything. Without two ears, we couldn't hear.
On Sunday afternoon, these pictures were taken to represent the significance of two--these are Britta's feet, my feet, and Priscilla's eyes. Beautiful things come in twos right? ...
... Yes, but recently though, it has been difficult to call these last two weeks beautiful. Sometimes the end of something good is seemingly not beautiful at all...
Britta is preparing to go back to Nebraska after spending eight years with her family at BFA. She has to say goodbye to the place that has become her home. She has to say goodbye to friends that she is not sure she will ever see again. This is hard. This is painful. She only has two weeks left.
Liel will only be a middle school dorm for two more weeks. It has been such a good place for our 10 middle schoolers. They have been safe here, cared for here, nurtured here, and loved here. Why does it have to end when it has been so good?
As I process these things, it has been so helpful and so healing to remember who God claims to be. On Sunday evening, we had dorm devotionals and we talked about the Lord as our Good Shepherd. It was so appropriate to remember the Lord as a Shepherd who cares for His sheep because considering the circumstances of Liel closing as a middle school dorm and nine of our students transitioning into a high school dorm, we are all a bit worried and anxious about next year. We don't know where the Lord is taking us. We don't know who our dorm parents will be. There is so much unknown. There is so much uncertainty. It is hard to let go of this good year. It is hard to imagine that next year could be more beautiful or better. BUT, we are all learning that the Good Shepherd is trustworthy. He knows exactly where the green pastures lie. He knows precisely where the still waters flow. It is in His nature to take us there, not to keep us hungry and thirsty.
This moment can be beautiful because He doesn't change in His care or concern for us. He will always be our source of nourishment. He will always be leading us, even if He requires us to leave something good behind and keep pressing forward.
We do believe that the One we are waiting on will not disappoint us.
So, as we wait, we pray that the Lord will gives us eyes to see the beauty of
His character and His plans.
One more quick story about another "Beautiful Two..."
This morning, I was encouraged by something so true and yet so simple. G.I. was speaking with me about someone who had given him advice yesterday. This man said, "All that the Lord requires of you, G.I., is to love the Lord your God and to love your neighbor as yourself." These two commands, alone, are what the Lord requires of us. G.I. was so comforted by these words because no matter how difficult school can be, he knows that he will always be able to love the Lord and love his neighbor. In that moment, life suddenly became manageable for G.I. He was given purpose again. These two beautiful commandments free him. After our conversation, he walked out of the door to catch the bus with a smile on his face :)
Have been praying for you and all of the transitions ever since I heard that there wasn't going to be a middle school dorm next year. May the Lord surround you with peace in the midst of change and joy this summer as you spend time with friends. I'll miss you!