In addition to my entry from earlier today, I wanted to take a moment to begin introducing you to our some of our students. Today, I want you to meet G.I.
G.I. is an eighth grader at BFA who loves to play the piano (his most recently played song is Jason Mraz's I'm Yours) and for his age, I am so impressed by his spiritual maturity. G.I. reminds me of my brother, Jake, because he is somewhat tune deaf but has a gift for memorizing lyrics just like Jake :) G.I. gently corrected me recently when I sang the wrong words to a pop-song. It made me laugh because it reminded me of home and my sweet relationship with my little brother.
This past weekend, G.I. accidentally missed the late bus from BFA and decided to walk home (7 km). Being directionally and geographically challenged, G.I. did in fact get lost. Instead of walking towards Liel from Kandern, he walked in the opposite direction towards the town of Sitzenkirch. Silly guy! Several BFA staff and I spent about an hour and a half looking for him on Friday night. Part of me was frustrated because we have had trouble with G.I. getting "lost" at school and he seems to have trouble being on time as a result of his absentmindedness; yet, when the director of residence life found him and returned him to Liel, I found that I simply couldn't be upset with him. His shirt was soaking wet from his adventure and he proceeded to tell me about all the things that had been going wrong the past few days--laundry falling on the ground, difficult homework that forced him to miss snack and a game of Ninja in the basement, hitting his head while walking down the steps, stubbing his toe, and now missing the bus...
[A brief tangent--The night before in the midst of all these frustrating occurences, he posted a sign on his door that said "Do Not Enter: Communicating." I hadn't seen G.I. for the most of this evening and was worried about him, so I ignored the sign, knocked on the door and opened it after he asked me to come in. G.I. was on his knees in prayer. I was struck. Struck because I was witnessing a 13-yr-old boy humble himself before the Lord, reverently bowing down and making his requests known to his Father. He even posted a note on the door! He was fighting for his time with the Lord because he knew the great importance of it. I was convicted because even as an RA here at BFA who needs to desperately fight for her time with the Lord, I don't. I don't write signs on my door that ask for privacy because I am communicating with my God. These children are teaching me so much about what it looks like to be a child of God who boldly and publicly seeks the Lord.]
Now, to return to my conversation with G.I.--But as he described these challenges and hurts,G.I. was smiling because he explained that Satan would not get the best of him. As he dropped his laundry, he said, "Ahh, thank you, Jesus!" As he bumped his head, he said, "Ow, thank you, Jesus!" As he missed the snack and game, he said, "Ah, thank you, Jesus!" As he missed the bus, he said, "Ah, thank you, Jesus!" G.I. was living out I Thessalonians, when Paul was asking the church to be joyful always, to pray continuously, and to give thanks in all circumstances. G.I. was boasting in the Lord because despite the challenges of the day, Satan did not win. I couldn't help but smile and exclaim, "Oh, G.I., praise the Lord!" I was so proud of him and so thankful to see a glimpse of this child's spiritual depth. Amazing, yes? Ah, I wish you all could meet him.
One last word about G.I. before I wrap this up. About a week ago, G.I. asked me how I got to BFA and as I explained the story, Aunt Sue (dorm mom) chimed in and said that both she and Uncle Bob had been praying for the RA that they would be working with in Liel. She admitted to G.I. that they were worried about it being someone that they might not get along with, and then she said, "But G.I., the Lord answered our prayers and He gave us an angel." G.I. walked over to me, paused for a moment and gave me a comtemplative look... and then he said, "Ah, I see your angel wings." In that moment, my heart was lifted up. I was flattered by G.I. sweet comment and so encouraged by Sue and how she sees me as a gift and an answer to prayer. Every now and then G.I. will endearingly call me "Miss Angel." :)
I am so blessed, so flattered, and so honored to be here.
Sue warned me that I would be falling in love with these children... I am :)
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