Three weeks after leaving the States, I now give great thanks for the beautiful friends I have made in Aurich and Dabringhausen and the wonderful position I received today as the middle school resident assistant at the Liel dormitory...
A brief update:
July 19-23
Coached and encouraged the PACKERS flag-football team in Dabringhausen, Germany...pictures 2-4
July 24-31
Coached and encouraged the ORIOLES baseball team in Aurich, Germany...picture 1
*Both of these sports ministry camps were an incredible time of getting to know German youth, some of whom were Christians and some of whom were not. I felt completely inadequate in my limited football and baseball skills and German language knowledge, BUT the Lord humbled me and my position on each team became one of an encourager more than a coach who gave tips or a bible study leader that could pray. I was present for these young Germans...and that was all that God required of me. More to come on what I learned in Northern Germany and the family that God has provided there.
August 1
Arrived at Black Forest Academy.
Arrived at Black Forest Academy.
*These past five days have been spent in orientation with other new BFA staff. I have been receiving German language and culture lessons in the mornings followed by driving lessons on a standard in the afternoon. I am currently living in a dorm with the other BFA resident assistants and it has been a precious time of fellowship as we have had much time to hear about how God captivated all of our hearts and as a result...led us to BFA. In pictures 5 and 6, several residence life staff took us to the highest point in town, where we could see the Rhine river, the mountains of France, the city of Basel, Switzerland, and a vague outline of the Swiss Alps. The last picture is of the new RA staff...there are six of us: Laura, Me, Anne, Taylor, Amy, and Michael.
It is truly beautiful here and this forest is a constant encouragement to me to grow and pursue what is life...Jesus. For it is only when I am abiding in Him and remaining rooted in Him that I am truly living. To be a part from my Jesus would be death and I want to stand tall like these trees. I want to breathe in the fresh Spirit of God that is clean and pure and good all the time.
August 5
After much anticipation, all of the new BFA resident assistants received our dorm assignments this afternoon. I AM SO EXCITED to tell you that I will be working in the new and only middle school dorm called Liel this year with 10 students, ages 13-15. I will be living on a hall with six beautiful young ladies. On the floor below me, my dorm parents, Bob and Sue Kummer, will be living with four boys and their son/the "Liel dorm brother" :), Marshall (age 14 and entering his freshman year at BFA).
I am so excited about Liel because it is the first year at BFA where Residence Life will offer a dorm specifically for middle schoolers, which has been a developing need. Please pray for these 10 residents as they will be saying goodbye to their families on August 22 and beginning school in just a few short weeks. Pray that they might be open to being loved and cared for by Bob, Sue, Marshall, and myself.
Because the dorm is being opened to middle schoolers for the first time this year...we still have a lot to do to prepare it. A lot of renovations were completed this summer, but Sue and I will have our hands full. Sue's husband, Bob, had to go home to the States last night to care for his mother and will not be returning to Liel until the day before the students arrive. Please pray, we need the prayer.
I continue giving thanks for God calling me to Himself and leading me to this school to care for His children. Please know that I am doing so well. I am wrapped in our Father's arms and He has already begun to provide me with a spiritual family here....
And my wonderful friend, Heather Brown, from Grove City College and a new missionary to BFA herself...will be living only 3 km away. God is so sweet.
To Jesus,
I am so excited for you, Lauren! That was so kind of you to include me in your post... it will be awesome to be near one another. And Bob and Marshall were two of the first 10 people I met at BFA back in March... they were sitting at my dinner table on the first night. Marshall is a talented drummer, and the whole family seems really nice.
ReplyDeleteIt was a blessing to talk with you at Lacoste today. I will continue to pray for the needs of Liel! Know that you are always welcome in our apartment when you get some time off!