- G.I.'s parents are Korean medical missionaries in the Middle East. He is a piano player and he is known for his hugs around campus.
- Josh's parents are workers in Turkey and minister to the Turks through the use of media and photography. Josh reads and writes in four languages!
- A.J.'s parents are missionaries in Italy and he found out yesterday that a spot opened up for him in our dorm. He is now en-route to Italy to get all of his things so that he can return tomorrow night and be ready for the third day of school...AJ is profoundly flexible!
- Luke's parents are missionaries in France and he accepted Christ here at BFA.
- Priscilla's family work in Germany and the surrounding countries with Jews for Jesus
- Joyce's parents are the pastors at a church in Zurich, Switzerland. Joyce sings in the middle school chapel band and has a lovely voice.
- Kaelah's parents are missionaries in Sarajevo and she loves being creative...in fact, she made a pair of earrings for her roommate this afternoon.
- Laura's father works for the US military in Maledova. Laura is 12 years old and runs a 6:30 minute mile...we plan on discovering some running trails around Liel together.
- Han Seung's parents are working in Seoul, Korea. She has a contagious smile.
- Ira's parents are also working in the Middle East and she has translated her father's sermons from Korean to Russian. Wow.
I am so excited to begin serving these students. They are so young and my heart breaks that they had to say goodbye to their families today. BUT they are so strong and their strength is a result of their faith in Christ. They love it here... they are safe, they are fed, they are cared for, and they have a whole community of believers beside them who have come from all over the world to serve them.
And I am here to simply to be present. Yes, I cook and I clean, but I am here. Today, I was able to have a tea party with Kaelah and Laura and talk about all the places they have been and the little things they miss about America (Skittles and Chic-Fil-A).
Later, I took Priscilla and Joyce for a walk through the town of Liel and up through one of the orchards where we could see a full moon to our right, rising over the pines, and then to our left, the remains of an orange and purple sunset. After a brief snack, Joyce asked me if I would be up to say good night. I was delighted...honored...flattered, to be asked to tuck them in. And so, they picked one of my favorite children's book about God's gift of purity (The Princess and the Kiss) to read and it was wonderful...my favorite line in the book is by the common man that was captivated by the princess because her "purity sparkled like diamonds." The girls and I talked for a bit and then we prayed together, that the Lord would make our purity too sparkle like diamonds.
And so, I am here to walk with them, to pray with them, to sip tea with them, and it is glorious. I love it and I am so grateful that the Faithful One is renewing my spirit and encouraging me through the prayers, emails, and letters of people like you. Thank you for all the prayers, for the financial support, and for your concern for these children. May your hearts be continually burdened to pray for them and their families. This week will seem like summer camp for them and then, the length of their time here will become more of a reality. Pray for their spirits. Pray that Bob, Sue, and I would be made perfect in our weaknesses and weariness. Pray for community, that this would be a house that serves the Lord. Pray for the health of the children too, some are getting fevers that are only worsened by the stress caused by the separation from their families. Pray also that I would remember that the time I spend with these children is far more important that what I am doing for them.
More to come soon.
To the Faithful One,
Oh Lauren, it is wonderful to hear about the children and the time you spent with them. While I was reading it I could hear your voice in my ear and it makes me miss you!
ReplyDeleteIt's so precious that you walk with them and talk to them and encourage them!
God bless you and your work there!!!
May you sparkle like a big diamond!!
love and hugs, Regina