The Scripture...

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again…” -2 Corinthians 5:14

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Introducing Talya & Kyra

This week, I interviewed two very special ladies in our dorm--Talya and Kyra. These girls are young, but I am amazed by their character, their desire to know God, their quiet strength, and their testimonies of courage. I love to listen to them talk and I always look forward to their hugs (their love languages must be physical touch and words of affirmation). As they share a little bit about themselves, I pray that their hearts and humor make you smile.

Talya (TB) and Kyra (KK)

Called to Love (CTL): Kyra, tell me what you think about Black Forest Academy (BFA)? What are the first words that come to mind?

KK: "Blue. Not a normal boarding school, much more homey and comfortable. Everyone is really close. I like how close everyone in the dorm is. I really like my dorm sisters. My brother goes here too and we have a better relationship since we have moved here. We depend on one another more. The teaching is hard, but I can understand it. It is easier than my old school. I really like the teachers here."

CTL: What do you really like about living in Germany?

KK:"I love the changes in the weather, especially the seasons. It's hard to describe, but it’s a great opportunity to live here."

CTL: Do you have any secret talents or skills?

KK: "I really love my thumbs—that is my favorite part of my body. I also really like to do people’s hair. I usually play the piano every day, it helps me to rest. I would like to be more involved in horseback riding one day. Walkers (my mom's family) are always late—it’s in my genes."

Krya's "toe thumb"--she is really proud of it :)

CTL: What is your favorite quote?

KK: "I know this one! I just changed it on Facebook! 'Everyone makes mistakes.' Hannah Montana said it first! Also, from summer camp in New Jersey on Long Beach Island, there was a quote that was shared by the leaders, 'Open your eyes and see beautiful things.'"

CTL: Can you share a favorite memory from this past year?

KK: "Yes, I have to think back. On the first day, when everyone was meeting for the first time… that was so much fun and CRAZY. We went for a walk in the vineyard and played foosball in the basement and planned to do Yoga on Tuesdays (but we didn’t ever do that!) And I also really love movie nights, our first volleyball victory, and hanging out with my brother Kyle at HBR (a high school boy’s dorm)."

CTL: If you could be present in any event that takes place in Scripture, what would you want to see?

"I would want to go to the Garden of Eden and see what it was like there before Adam and Eve messed up our lives!"

CTL: If you had 1 million euros, what would you do with it?

KK: "I would pay off all of my parents’ debts. Give half of it to charity—as many charities as I can. Then, place part of it in stocks and bonds. And then I would buy a first class plane ticket to the USA and buy a house in Pennsylvania. Then, I would spend the rest on myself—clothes, accessories, etc."

We couldn't do without the classic "goofy" shot!

CTL: Talya, what does BFA mean to you?

TB: "BFA has become a tradition in my family, both my brother and sister went here. When I came to visit them, I dreamt of coming here." So your dream came true? "Yes!"

CTL: How does it feel living in a dorm with 17 people? That’s a big family!

TB: "I absolutely LOVE it! I have always wanted a lot of siblings and a really big family and I get those two things in the dorm. Although, I do miss my real family. But living in a place where I can call the people here 'my family', makes me less 'homesick' or 'parentsick.' I like how we have become a really big family, it seems like we have know each other forever."

CTL: "What has been a highlight from the past year?"

TB: "Playing improv games with our dorm (example: the awkward bench game where you take on an identity and try to irritate the other person off the bench) Our crazy awkward games brings out our wild sides, that’s something that I will always look back on and smile when I remember the dorm." Is that when the real Talya B. comes out? “Maybe?!... There is always an overflow of weirdness in our dorm."

CTL: "If you could be present in any event that takes place in Scripture, what would you want to see?"

TB: "I think that seeing Jesus crucified would be really difficult, but I think it would be life-changing to hear his last words, feel the earth quake, and then see him rise again. Yeah."

CTL: What do you want to do when you grow up?

TB: "I am not sure what exact profession I am going to choose, but I want it to have something to do with languages, children, and music. One thing my best friend and I have talked about for a long time is starting an orphanage (we have even planned out the decorations in each room) somewhere in the heart of Africa. And also designing a center for the handicapped to care for them, teach them, and simply love them."

CTL: What is your heart language?

TB: "That is a tie—it is between Turkish and English. When I am in Turkey, speaking the language, it comes naturally and I feel like that is a part of me. And English is my mother tongue so it’s also a part of me."

CTL: Do you have any special talents or skills?

TB: "I love playing on the guitar and piano and I love to sing my heart out whenever possible (although it does drive my dorm sisters CRAZY sometimes!). I love experimenting with different notes, lyrics, and voices."

CTL: What do you think of your parents being missionaries?

TB: "I am so proud of them. I admire them for dedicating their lives to God. I admire all the things they do and for staying strong in their faith through so many tough times in Turkey. They’ve inspired me."

Talya's beautiful family

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