The Scripture...

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again…” -2 Corinthians 5:14

Friday, March 11, 2011

The One and Only Luke

Luke and G.I.
Fall 2010
Luke and Britta
Spring 2011

I have never met an 8th grader quite like Luke. He is sophisticated, talented, and tender. Luke is at the top of his class academically and he loves to read in his spare time--it is no surprise to find him reading a theologically stimulating book by G.K. Chesterton on a Saturday afternoon. Wild, isn't it?
And yet there is so much more to Luke than his success in the should see him on stage! Next weekend, Luke will be performing the lead role in the middle school play. As his RA, I have only heard him tell stories around the campfire in a convincing Irish accent, so I am really excited to see him showcase his talent before a crowd.
Growing up as an MK has shaped Luke's faith in beautiful ways--he is incredibly knowledgable about Scripture and his prayers are simple, yet profound. During a Sunday night dorm devotional in the fall, I can recall Luke concluding us in prayer, "Father, thank you for fortifying us tonight. Amen." After making his way through several prayer stations, Luke chose the word "fortifying" to describe his experience. It fit so well and these few words were quite enough. I left our time together feeling encouraged and impressed by the work that God was doing in Luke.
A few more interesting facts about Luke...
-Luke began attending BFA in 1st grade and was a boarding student in Liel when it was an elementary school dorm several years ago. So, Luke is our one and only Liel alumni!
-Luke's parents are church planters in France with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church
-After growing up in Macedonia and developing a taste for Greek food, we can't keep Luke away from feta cheese!
-Luke adores his two older sisters who have both attended BFA. It is so special to hear him talk about Erin and Hallie who frequently send him postcards and candy.
*Please pray for Luke and his transition to a high school dorm this fall. While MKs are accustomed to change, it certainly doesn't mean that it is easy. He will have new dorm parents, new RAs, the dorm will double in size, and 75% of the students will be older than him. Pray that the staff and students would be sensitive to Luke's needs and his tender heart.

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