This morning, I could introduce you to Hannah and Ji Soo on my own, but that would just barely skim the surface; instead, I decided to ask them a few questions and let them answer for themselves! But, let me start with a brief introduction--these two ladies are fantastic! Hannah and Ji Soo are our two Korean students at Liel and they are truly beautiful women who are full of life. This year is their first year at BFA and they are transitioning so well. Their parents are both on the mission field and it is quite apparent that their parents love for Jesus has had a profound impact on their daughters. It is not uncommon to find Hannah and Ji Soo playing piano and singing worship songs, encouraging one of their Liel sisters, reading the Bible or a devotional book at breakfast, or speaking with someone about what God is teaching them or how He has challenged them. They are treasures--my two gifts from the east.
Enjoy Called to Love's first interview! :)

Ji Soo & Hannah
Called to Love (CTL): BFA is like _____ (fill in the blank)?
JK: "Camp! (A LONG camp that is) We are away from our parents for a year and we are on our own, but it's really fun because we get to meet so many new people. It also allows me to grow in independence and learn to take care of myself."
HK: "A place where you can combine your faith and your everyday life. The church, the school, and the dorm are one. All teachers speak of the Bible regardless of the class subject--I really like that."
CTL: What was the best part about the first day of school?
JK: "I was excited because everything was new--the people, the life--everything was so different from Nepal. New is exciting for me."
HK: "It was good that everyone I asked wanted to help me, although they didn't know me and I didn't know them, they were so helpful. It was like we were already friends and yet I didn't know them."

CTL: Are you enjoying being a Liel Lady? Why?
JK: "Yes! Because I have not met any sweeter girls and awesome dorm parents and RA than I have ever met before. Even though we have only known each other for three weeks, we are already so close."
HK: "Yes! Because although we are all from another country and background and we haven't really known each other, we can still pray for each other and we can share our problems and our thoughts and our worries. We are like a true family--we have the parents, an RA, the other girls, and dorm brothers. Everyone is so different, but they are all accepted just as they are--no matter how weird or awesome, loud or quiet. I also like how small our dorm is--it allows us to get to know one another more, it allows us to be more like a family."

CTL: Tell me where you were born, where you have lived, and where you'd like to go?
JK: "I was born in Korea and then one month later, moved to Nepal for 14 years. Now I'm here in Germany. I would like to live in Italy because I think it is an awesome country--I am in love with it! And I want to visit other countries too--but there are too many to name."
HK: "I was born in Korea, I lived there for 10 years, then I came to Germany for 6 years, and now I am here again! I would like to live in a country where Korean, English, or German is spoken. I don't want to learn any more languages!"
CTL: What do you want to be when you grow up?
JK: "I don't know! I would like to be a loving person. I want to be known by how I love."
HK: "I dream about being a missionary doctor in Africa."
CTL: Tell us something that would surprise us about you?
JK: "Two things that I get really weird about are puppies and food! They just make me really excited. I LOVE Korean food. My secret talent is that I can get people hyper. I also have a very American accent."
HK: "I can speak German better than I can speak English. I can also cook Korean food."
CTL: Can you share a favorite devotional thought/Scripture verse or story? Or a favorite worship song?
JK: "I am intimately involved in all your moments and I am training you to be aware of me at all times. Your assignment is to collaborate with me in this training process." This is from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, I read it on August 25 and it encouraged me because I knew that I would have to depend less on my parents and begin depending more on God here. I understand now why God sent me here...I feel like God wants me to become closer to Him and collaborate with him in daily life."
HK: "I cannot pick one! Philippians 4--I find this interesting because God does not promise to change the situation or fix it (what worries us or makes us anxious), but He does promise to guard my heart and my mind. And this has a HUGE impact on me. When I look to the sky, I know that He is mighty and I know that everything is in His hands. When I remember who He is, I am not scared anymore. It doesn't matter where I am or what I do, I know He is mighty, He always has the best thing planned for me. I find it more and more possible to live by the Bible--it's really real, it is true."

Please pray for Ji Soo and Hannah as they begin this new and challenging season of life at BFA. They have left so much behind--pray that Jesus ministers to them in mighty and surprising ways here. Pray that the Lord would magnify, fortify, and deepen their faiths.